Sunday, June 12, 2016

Boring! 2 Weeks of Work on the Same Painting

Two weeks of  work on the same painting gets boring, so I am going back and forth on 3 paintings.

In my yogic practice, we are taught not to be attached to the outcome of our efforts, just do he best that we can. I am finding that that is not easy while trying to push my painting boundaries and not being satisfied with the results. I look back on photos of my older work, and at times I realize that I destroyed a good painting. Too late to do anything about that now.

I stared the painting "Reaching" 2 weeks ago and there is still more work to do on the arm. Not today. I am taking a brake before I paint the whole thing out.
Here is a new one that I started.

second day

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third day

I like the contrast on this painting

Tired of looking at them today. I will watch a movie and go back to work tomorrow.

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